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Count Salary Categories Problem

LeetCode 1907. Write an SQL query to report the number...

Confirmation Rate Problem

LeetCode 1934. Write an SQL query to find the confirmation...

All the Pairs With the Maximum Number of Common Followers Problem

LeetCode 1951. Write an SQL query to find all the...

The Latest Login in 2020 Problem

LeetCode 1890. Write an SQL query to report the latest...

Suspicious Bank Accounts Problem

LeetCode 1843. Write an SQL query to report the IDs...

Page Recommendations II Problem

LeetCode 1892. Write an SQL query to find all the...

Orders With Maximum Quantity Above Average Problem

LeetCode 1867. Write an SQL query to find the order_id...

Maximum Transaction Each Day Problem

LeetCode 1831. Write an SQL query to report the IDs...

League Statistics Problem

LeetCode 1841. Write an SQL query to report the statistics...

Group Employees of the Same Salary Problem

LeetCode 1875. Write an SQL query to report the IDs...

Find Customers With Positive Revenue this Year Problem

LeetCode 1821. Write an SQL query to report the customers...

Convert Date Format Problem

LeetCode 1853. Write an SQL query to convert each date...

Calculate Special Bonus Problem

LeetCode 1873. Write an SQL query to calculate the bonus...

Rearrange Products Table Problem

LeetCode 1795. Write an SQL query to rearrange the Products...

Find Interview Candidates Problem

LeetCode 1811. Write an SQL query to report the name...

Determine Color Of A Chessboard Square Problem

LeetCode 1812. You are given coordinates, a string that represents...