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Distinct Subsequences II Problem

LeetCode 940. Given a string s, return the number of...

DI String Match Problem

LeetCode 942. A permutation perm of n + 1 integers...

Delete Columns To Make Sorted Problem

LeetCode 944. You are given an array of n strings...

Delete Columns To Make Sorted III Problem

LeetCode 960. You are given an array of n strings...

Delete Columns To Make Sorted II Problem

LeetCode 955. You are given an array of n strings...

Decoded String At Index Problem

LeetCode 880. You are given an encoded string s. To...

Cousins In Binary Tree Problem

LeetCode 993. Given the root of a binary tree with...

Count Unique Characters Of All Substrings Of A Given String Problem

LeetCode 828. Let’s define a function countUniqueChars(s) that returns the...

Construct Binary Tree From Preorder And Postorder Traversal Problem

LeetCode 889. Given two integer arrays, preorder and postorder where...

Consecutive Numbers Sum Problem

LeetCode 829. Given an integer n, return the number of...

Complete Binary Tree Inserter Problem

LeetCode 919. A complete binary tree is a binary tree...

Check Completeness Of A Binary Tree Problem

LeetCode 958. Given the root of a binary tree, determine...

Chalkboard Xor Game Problem

LeetCode 810. You are given an array of integers nums...

Cat And Mouse Problem

LeetCode 913. A game on an undirected graph is played...

Card Flipping Game Problem

LeetCode 822. You are given n cards, with a positive...

Car Fleet Problem

LeetCode 853. There are n cars going to the same...