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Game Play Analysis V Problem

LeetCode 1097. Write an SQL query that reports for each...

User Purchase Platform Problem

LeetCode 1127. Write an SQL query to find the total...

Trips And Users Problem

LeetCode 262. Write a SQL query to find the cancellation...

Number Of Transactions Per Visit Problem

LeetCode 1336. Write an SQL query to find how many...

Human Traffic Of Stadium Problem

LeetCode 601. Write an SQL query to display the records...

Hopper Company Queries II Problem

LeetCode 1645. Write an SQL query to report the percentage...

Find Median Given Frequency Of Numbers Problem

LeetCode 571. Write a query to find the median of...

Find Cumulative Salary Of An Employee Problem

LeetCode 579. Write a SQL to get the cumulative sum...

Department Top Three Salaries Problem

LeetCode 185. Write a SQL query to find employees who...

Average Salary: Departments VS Company Problem

LeetCode 615. Given two tables as below, write a query...

Unpopular Books Problem

LeetCode 1098. Write an SQL query that reports the books...

Second Degree Follower Problem

LeetCode 614. Please write a sql query to get the...

Reported Posts II Problem

LeetCode 1132. Write an SQL query to find the average...

Number Of Calls Between Two Persons Problem

LeetCode 1699. Write an SQL query to report the number...

Nth Highest Salary Problem

LeetCode 177. Write a SQL query to get the nth...

New Users Daily Count Problem

LeetCode 1107. Write an SQL query that reports for every...