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Poor Pigs Problem

LeetCode 458. There are buckets buckets of liquid, where exactly...

Permutation In String Problem

LeetCode 567. Given two strings s1 and s2, return true...

Perfect Number Problem

LeetCode 507. A perfect number is a positive integer that...

Path Sum III Problem

LeetCode 437. Given the root of a binary tree and...

Out Of Boundary Paths Problem

LeetCode 576. There is an m x n grid with...

Optimal Division Problem

LeetCode 553. You are given an integer array nums. The...

Ones And Zeroes Problem

LeetCode 474. You are given an array of binary strings...

Number Of Segments In A String Problem

LeetCode 434. You are given a string s, return the...

Number Of Provinces Problem

LeetCode 547. There are n cities. Some of them are...

Number Of Boomerangs Problem

LeetCode 447. You are given n points in the plane...

Number Complement Problem

LeetCode 476. The complement of an integer is the integer...

Non-Overlapping Intervals Problem

LeetCode 435. Given an array of intervals intervals where intervals[i]...

Next Greater Element III Problem

LeetCode 556. Given a positive integer n, find the smallest...

Next Greater Element II Problem

LeetCode 503. Given a circular integer array nums (i.e., the...

Next Greater Element I Problem

LeetCode 496. The next greater element of some element x...

N-Ary Tree Preorder Traversal Problem

LeetCode 589. Given the root of an n-ary tree, return...