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Jewels And Stones Problem

LeetCode 771. You’re given strings jewels representing the types of...

Number Of Good Pairs Problem

LeetCode 1512. Given an array of integers nums. Return the...

Kth Missing Positive Number Problem

LeetCode 1539. Given an array arr of positive integers sorted...

The Number Of Employees Which Report To Each Employee Problem

LeetCode 1731. Write an SQL query to report the ids...

Find Followers Count Problem

LeetCode 1729. Write an SQL query that will, for each...


The INNER JOIN keyword selects records that have matching values...

MySQL Aliases

Aliases are nicknames. They give us a shorthand way of...

Count Apples And Oranges Problem

LeetCode 1715. Write an SQL query to count the number...

MySQL OR Operator

The OR operator combines two Boolean expressions and returns true...

MySQL LIMIT Operator

The LIMIT clause is used in the SELECT statement to...

MySQL LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to...

MySQL IS NULL Operator

To test whether a value is NULL or not, we...

MySQL IN Clause

The IN operator allows us to determine if a specified...


The BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range.

MySQL AND Operator

The AND operator is a logical operator that combines two...


The WHERE clause allows us to choose which rows are...