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Maximum Swap Problem

LeetCode 670. You are given an integer num. You can...

Maximum Binary Tree Problem

LeetCode 654. You are given an integer array nums with...

Maximum Average Subarray I Problem

LeetCode 643. You are given an integer array nums consisting...

Max Area Of Island Problem

LeetCode 695. You are given an m x n binary...

Map Sum Pairs Problem

LeetCode 677. Design a map that allows you to do...

Largest Plus Sign Problem

LeetCode 764. You are given an integer n. You have...

Largest Number At Least Twice Of Others Problem

LeetCode 747. You are given an integer array nums where...

Kth Largest Element In A Stream Problem

LeetCode 703. Design a class to find the k^th largest...

K-Th Smallest Prime Fraction Problem

LeetCode 786. You are given a sorted integer array arr...

K Inverse Pairs Array Problem

LeetCode 629. For an integer array nums, an inverse pair...

Implement Magic Dictionary Problem

LeetCode 676. Design a data structure that is initialized with...

Find K-Th Smallest Pair Distance Problem

LeetCode 719. The distance of a pair of integers a...

Find K Closest Elements Problem

LeetCode 658. Given a sorted integer array arr, two integers...

Find Duplicate Subtrees Problem

LeetCode 652. Given the rootof a binary tree, return all...

Employee Importance Problem

LeetCode 690. You have a data structure of employee information,...