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Biggest Single Number Problem

LeetCode 619. Table my_numbers contains many numbers in column num...

Apples & Oranges Problem

LeetCode 1445. Write an SQL query to report the difference...

All People Report To The Given Manager Problem

LeetCode 1270. Write an SQL query to find employee_id of...

Weather Type In Each Country Problem

LeetCode 1294. Write an SQL query to find the type...

User Activity For The Past 30 Days I Problem

LeetCode 1141. Write an SQL query to find the daily...

Triangle Judgement Problem

LeetCode 610. A pupil Tim gets homework to identify whether...

Students And Examinations Problem

LeetCode 1280. Write an SQL query to find the number...

Sales Person Problem

LeetCode 607. Given three tables, salesperson, company, orders.

Sales Analysis III Problem

LeetCode 1084. Write an SQL query that reports the products...

Sales Analysis II Problem

LeetCode 1083. Write an SQL query that reports the buyers...

Reported Posts Problem

LeetCode 1113. Write an SQL query that reports the number...

Queries Quality And Percentage Problem

LeetCode 1211. Write an SQL query to find each query_name,...

Project Employees II Problem

LeetCode 1076. Write an SQL query that reports all the...

Project Employees I Problem

LeetCode 1075. Write an SQL query that reports the average...

Number Of Comments Per Post Problem

LeetCode 1241. Write an SQL query to find number of...

Not Boring Movies Problem

LeetCode 620. X city opened a new cinema, many people...