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Fix Product Name Format Problem

LeetCode 1543. Write an SQL query to report product_name in...

Consecutive Available Seats Problem

LeetCode 603. Several friends at a cinema ticket office would...

Ads Performance Problem

LeetCode 1322. A company is running Ads and wants to...

Top Travellers Problem

LeetCode 1407. Write an SQL query to report the distance...

Swap Salary Problem

LeetCode 627. Given a table salary, such as the one...

Shortest Distance Problem

LeetCode 613. Write a query to find the shortest distance...

Sales Analysis I Problem

LeetCode 1082. Write an SQL query that reports the best...

Reformat Department Table Problem

LeetCode 1179. Write an SQL query to reformat the table...

Product Sales Analysis II Problem

LeetCode 1069. Write an SQL query that reports the total...

Product Sales Analysis I Problem

LeetCode 1068. Write an SQL query that reports all product...

List The Products Ordered In A Period Problem

LeetCode 1327. Write an SQL query to get the names...

Immediate Food Delivery I Problem

LeetCode 1173. Write an SQL query to find the percentage...

Find Users With Valid Emails Problem

LeetCode 1517. Write an SQL query to find the users...

Find Customer Referee Problem

LeetCode 584. Given a table customer holding customers information and...

Customer Placing The Largest Number Of Orders Problem

LeetCode 586. Query the customer_number from the orders table for...

Customer Order Frequency Problem

LeetCode 1511. Write an SQL query to report the customer_id...