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X Of A Kind In A Deck Of Cards Problem

LeetCode 914. In a deck of cards, each card has...

Word Subsets Problem

LeetCode 916. You are given two string arrays words1 and...

Walking Robot Simulation Problem

LeetCode 874. A robot on an infinite XY-plane starts at...

Vowel Spellchecker Problem

LeetCode 966. Given a wordlist, we want to implement a...

Vertical Order Traversal Of A Binary Tree Problem

LeetCode 987. Given the root of a binary tree, calculate...

Verifying An Alien Dictionary Problem

LeetCode 953. In an alien language, surprisingly, they also use...

Validate Stack Sequences Problem

LeetCode 946. Given two integer arrays pushed and popped each...

Valid Permutations For DI Sequence Problem

LeetCode 903. You are given a string s of length...

Valid Mountain Array Problem

LeetCode 941. Given an array of integers arr, return true...

Univalued Binary Tree Problem

LeetCode 965. A binary tree is uni-valued if every node...

Unique Paths III Problem

LeetCode 980. You are given an m x n integer...

Unique Morse Code Words Problem

LeetCode 804. International Morse Code defines a standard encoding where...

Unique Email Addresses Problem

LeetCode 929. Every valid email consists of a local name...

Uncommon Words From Two Sentences Problem

LeetCode 884. A sentence is a string of single-space separated...

Triples With Bitwise And Equal To Zero Problem

LeetCode 982. Given an integer array nums, return the number...

Transpose Matrix Problem

LeetCode 867. Given a 2D integer array matrix, return the...