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Time Based Key-Value Store Problem

LeetCode 981. Design a time-based key-value data structure that can...

Three Equal Parts Problem

LeetCode 927. You are given an array arr which consists...

Tallest Billboard Problem

LeetCode 956. You are installing a billboard and want it...

Surface Area Of 3D Shapes Problem

LeetCode 892. You are given an n x n grid...

Super Palindromes Problem

LeetCode 906. Let’s say a positive integer is a super-palindrome...

Super Egg Drop Problem

LeetCode 887. You are given k identical eggs and you...

Sum Of Subsequence Widths Problem

LeetCode 891. The width of a sequence is the difference...

Sum Of Subarray Minimums Problem

LeetCode 907. Given an array of integers arr, find the...

Sum Of Even Numbers After Queries Problem

LeetCode 985. You are given an integer array nums and...

Sum Of Distances In Tree Problem

LeetCode 834. There is an undirected connected tree with n...

Subdomain Visit Count Problem

LeetCode 811. A website domain “” consists of various subdomains....

Subarrays With K Different Integers Problem

LeetCode 992. Given an integer array nums and an integer...

String Without Aaa Or Bbb Problem

LeetCode 984. Given two integers a and b, return any...

Stone Game Problem

LeetCode 877. Alice and Bob play a game with piles...

Stamping The Sequence Problem

LeetCode 936. You are given two strings stamp and target....

Squares Of A Sorted Array Problem

LeetCode 977. Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing...