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LeetCode 342. Given an integer n, return true if it...
LeetCode 279. Given an integer n, return the least number...
LeetCode 391. Given an array rectangles where rectangles[i] = [x_i,...
LeetCode 284. Design an iterator that supports the peek operation...
LeetCode 330. Given a sorted integer array nums and an...
LeetCode 336. Given a list of unique words, return all...
LeetCode 328. Given the head of a singly linked list,...
LeetCode 233. Given an integer n, count the total number...
LeetCode 400. Given an integer n, return the n^th digit...
LeetCode 292. You are playing the following Nim Game with...
LeetCode 283. Given an integer array nums, move all 0’s...
LeetCode 268. Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers...
LeetCode 209. Given an array of positive integers nums and...
LeetCode 310. A tree is an undirected graph in which...
LeetCode 385. Given a string s represents the serialization of...
LeetCode 318. Given a string array words, return the maximum...