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Product's Worth Over Invoices Problem

LeetCode 1677. Write an SQL query that will, for all...

Percentage Of Users Attended A Contest Problem

LeetCode 1633. Write an SQL query to find the percentage...

Fix Names In A Table Problem

LeetCode 1667. Write an SQL query to fix the names...

Duplicate Emails Problem

LeetCode 182. Write a SQL query to find all duplicate...

Customers Who Never Order Problem

LeetCode 183. Write a SQL query to find all customers...

Consecutive Numbers Problem

LeetCode 180. Write an SQL query to find all numbers...

Average Time Of Process Per Machine Problem

LeetCode 1661. There is a factory website that has several...

Second Highest Salary Problem

LeetCode 176. Given the Employee table, write a SQL query...

Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Problem

LeetCode 181. Given the Employee table, write a SQL query...

Bank Account Summary II Problem

LeetCode 1587. Write an SQL query to report the name...

Group Sold Products By The Date Problem

LeetCode 1484. Write an SQL query to find for each...

All Valid Triplets That Can Represent A Country Problem

LeetCode 1623. Write an SQL query to find all the...

Warehouse Manager Problem

LeetCode 1571. Write an SQL query to report how much...

Students With Invalid Departments Problem

LeetCode 1350. Write an SQL query to find the id...

Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier Problem

LeetCode 1378. Write an SQL query to show the unique...

Patients With A Condition Problem

LeetCode 1527. Write an SQL query to report the patient_id,...