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Virtual Memory IV: Paging

How can we virtualize memory with pages, so as to...

Virtual Memory III: Segmentation

How to support a large address space with (potentially) a...

Virtual Memory II: Address Translation

How can we relocate the process in memory in a...

Virtual Memory I: Overview

Virtual Memory is an abstraction that the Operating System provides...

Reverse Linked List Problem

LeetCode 206. Reverse a singly linked list.

Reverse Linked List II Problem

LeetCode 92. Reverse a linked list from position m to...

Palindrome Linked List Problem

LeetCode 234. Given a singly linked list, determine if it’s...

Merge K Sorted Lists Problem

LeetCode 23. You are given an array of k linked-lists...

Merge Two Sorted Lists Problem

LeetCode 21. Merge two sorted linked lists and return a...

Online Book Reader System Problem

Design the data structures for an online book reader system...

Parking Lot Problem

Design a parking lot using object-oriented principles. We will focus...

Call Center Problem

An object oriented design problem. Imagine you have a call...

Median of Two Sorted Arrays Problem

LeetCode 4. Given two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of...

Singleton Design Pattern

The singleton design pattern is a type of creational pattern...

Factory Design Pattern

The factory design pattern is a type of creational pattern...

Weak_Ptr in C++

Sometimes an object must store a way to access the...